I'll admit it, I'm excited. Despite the cynicism of many of my radical-left colleagues, I think Obama getting the nomination actually means something- maybe Americans are far less stupid than they were 8 years ago, though that might be proven wrong in November.
And a word to all the "every vote is a vote for the system" and "change comes from the bottom up so the elections don't matter" crowd: I think it MATTERS to the people of Iraq and Iran who the next president is- it MATTERED 4 years ago and 8 years ago. The world can't wait for our "bottom up" change anymore- WHY should anyone else have to die while radical vanguardists debate activist strategies in the US? Do you really want four more years of Bush via McCain?
So if you're thinking about sitting out the next election, why don't you get on a plane to Baghdad and EXPLAIN to whomever is left alive that it doesn't matter who's at the wheel of the American military machine.
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