Going to Frank's Grave was a surreal experience, having had less than 6 hours sleep in the past 48 certainly enhanced it. The Mountain View Cemetery is small, and for the most part well kept- and as the name says, curtained by Butte's mountains ranges. The old section, pre 1920's, are not maintained as meticulously, weeds grow in all areas except for the monument to the victims of the Granite Mountain Mine Disaster- the ones who's bodies were too burnt to identify individually. It was this mine fire the initiated the strike of 1917, it was Butte's 911.
We had no map of where Frank was, I figured he was located near this memorial. We found him near the graves of the identified Granite Miners, his grave the only one with evidence of being visited recently. As you can see Frank's grave could compete with Jim Morrison's. Here's a rough list of the offerings there:
-Artificial flowers, red and black.
-Real white carnations, relatively new.
-IWW pins from the 100 year anniversary convention.
-One silver cross and one crucifix.
-One very old silver ring with a blue stone.
-One small, serrated folding pocket knife, open.
-Other unions buttons, weather damaged.
-Booklet of IWW preamble- very weather damaged.
-Pieces of a broken Corona bottle deliberately placed on the grave.
-One red blown-glass flower.
-One weather worn American flag.
-Wooden letters spelling IWW and a plastic laminated poem about Frank.
-Some coins on the top of his headstone.
I added my own tribute after these photos were taken.
It's hard to read the epitaph from the photo (though it is as good as new), it says:
Frank Little 1879-1917
"Slain By Capitalist Interests For Organizing and Inspiring His Fellow Men."
....and women.
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